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4 December 2018 at 17.30
Past event

Lord Pickles, Emily Benn, Ed Balls, Lord Falconer, Nyasha Weinberg & Peter Sands ‘Deal or No Deal?’: Businesses’ Views on the Brexit Endgame

Great Hall, King’s College London
The thirty-fourth Strand Group, in conjunction with Harvard Kennedy School, took place Tuesday 4th December at 5.30pm.  

Lord Pickles, Lord Falconer, and report authors Ed Balls, Emily Benn, Peter Sands and Nyasha Weinberg discussed the paper: “Deal or no Deal?’’ ‘Businesses’ Views on the Endgame of the Brexit Negotiations’.

The report, based on interviews with more than 120 small and medium-sized businesses, academics and trade associations, suggests that a lot of SMEs are much less enthusiastic about the Prime Minister’s deal than the CBI. A majority of respondents would support Mrs May’s draft withdrawal pact if the only alternative were a “No Deal” scenario. Many expressed a deep concern about the continuing uncertainty created by the government’s plans.