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MA Government Studies

Our central government-partnered programme blends the theory and practice of working at the heart of British Government.

How Government Really Works

In September 2024, the Strand Group unveiled its first full Masters Programme. The ‘MA in Government Studies’ provides an unrivalled insight into the inner workings of British Government.  The Programme represents a unique, world class educational experience led by practitioners and leading academics. 

Taught by Practitioners

The MA is delivered by renowned practitioners such as former shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls; The Independent’s Chief Political Commentator, John Rentoul; and the Head of the Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit under Tony Blair, Sir Michael Barber. Teaching practitioners are joined by stellar guests.  Every year since 2017 we’ve brought a former Prime Minister to engage with our students, offering unparalleled access to the minds behind pivotal decisions. Tony Blair, David Cameron, Theresa May, and Gordon Brown have all shared their insights with students on our modules. We’ve also welcomed a host of notable speakers, including George Osborne, Alastair Campbell, Anji Hunter, Baroness Jay and many more distinguished personalities.

Why is our programme unique?

Delivered in partnership with central government

Develop an understanding of the policy-making process from the viewpoint of those who work in government, including political, societal and economic challenges.

A bespoke programme

A true cohort approach with small group tutorials utilising a case study method. Learning from the past and understanding how decisions are made in practice, from the practitioners, is the hall-mark of this course. All teaching on Thursdays and Fridays so flexible around work commitments.

Take the full masters or standalone modules

MA Programme is designed for full time, part-time and as part of a stackable portfolio. You will study alongside officials working at the heart of government. Students will build their networks and enhance their career opportunities.

Core modules

Optional modules

All classes take place on a Thursday or Friday.

Semester 1

(September – December)
Semester 2

(January – April)
Semester 3

(May – August)
Prime Ministers & No.10 Downing Street 1945-79Prime Ministers & No.10 Downing Street since 1979Final Research project
Chancellors and the Treasury: Managing the British Economy The New Labour Years: The Blair Brown Revolution
London: Governing the Global CityThe Conservative Years: Governing in an Age of Turmoil
The History of The Civil Service: Evolution of the Machinery of GovernmentMaking Modern Britain: Pivotal Prime Ministerial Decisions

Final research project

30% of the final mark comes from a primary source research project. It can be a true history dissertation advised by one of the academic staff, or an up-to-date research project overseen by world-leading ‘delivery’ expert Prof Sir Michael Barber

Apply now on the King’s College website

Prospective students can find more information and apply for the programme here

Standalone modules

Our modules are taken on a standalone basis by government departments, businesses and individuals. This can suit those who only have time or funding to take one module, rather than the whole MA.

To talk to us about this for your institution please email

More information

Link into Professional training

The Strand Group also provides bespoke training opportunities for government departments and businesses

…events so far. Our events feature figures from government, business, journalism and academia to shed light on contemporary political challenges.